Our Beginnings

Years before Mary College’s incorporation in 1959, the Library Committee, chaired by Lillian Lord, consolidated collections of books, periodicals, and audiotapes belonging to the St. Alexius School of Nursing with Priory High School’s library holdings and additional titles already acquired for the use of future Mary College students.

The Committee originally housed these materials in the high school wing of Annunciation Priory. Following the completion of Our Lady of Annunciation Chapel in 1963, the Mary College library found its first fixed home in the lower level of what later became the Benedictine Center for Servant Leadership.

Steady Growth

1968 saw the appointment of our first library director, Sister Marie Schuster. In 1971, Brother Paul Nyquist succeeded Sister Marie, serving for six years. Cheryl Bailey assumed the directorship in 1977; her 38-year tenure came to a close in 2015. David Gray held the position from 2015-2020, after which Nicole Eckroth took the helm. In 2023, she was succeeded by our current director, Kristi Engle.


In 1993, the University of Mary library partnered with the public libraries of Bismarck and Mandan to form the Central Dakota Library Network (CDLN) and establish an exhaustive online public access catalog (OPAC). Today, the CDLN comprises more than 20 regional libraries.


Throughout the 80s and 90s, representatives from accrediting bodies repeatedly noted significant hindrances to library accessibility, particularly the original space’s inadequate size and inconvenient location at the south end of campus. After nearly 40 years in the lower level of Annunciation Priory, the University of Mary library took permanent residence in its current home. Constructed in 1998, the Welder Library sits at the crest of Gift Hill, so named in recognition of Charles “Chick” Swanson’s 1957 bequest of 40 acres to our founders, the Benedictine Sisters of the Annunciation.


The Welder Library is dedicated to the Benedictine Sisters of Annunciation Monastery and “our friend and university leader,” the late Sister Thomas Welder, OSB, “for her wisdom and leadership in growing the University of Mary.” A steadfast servant leader and lifelong learner, Sister Thomas served as President of the University of Mary from 1978 to 2009.

The Welder Library Today

In addition to our primary space, which boasts computer workstations with color and black and white printing and seating for up to 204 guests. Our building houses classrooms, an art gallery, and the main offices of the School of Arts and Sciences. Our current holdings include nearly 47,000 print volumes, over 500,000 ebooks, and a growing catalog of online databases that together provide access to roughly 100,000 academic journals. We are proud to serve over 75,000 patrons a year.

The Library's Mission, Vision, and Values

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Welder Librarians are on hand to provide research and reference assistance to students needing one-on-one guidance.